Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Time to Nut Up Or Shut Up

I haven’t written in a couple of days. Life has been hectic. I am superbly happy to say that Lily got her teeth fixed. I have never loved Patrick Fitzgerald more in my life than I do now. He gave me the money for it, I have to pay him back but he said I can take my time. She still doesn’t have her 4 front teeth but at least they are rotten anymore. I can rest easy now knowing she is taken care of with that. It ate away at me and I can honestly say I was ashamed of myself for letting it get hat way.

Anyway, just saw my cousins for the first time in almost 7 months, well 4 for Eric. I forget sometimes how much I LOVE those boys. It was great to catch up with them, and we sat around laughing and playing video games and then watched Jennifer’s body! Terrible movie, terrible but it had some funny dialogue, which I’m not surprised by since Diablo Cody wrote it.

My birthday is in 6 days. I’m not excited, which is weird. I used to count the days until I was a year older but these days I just really don’t give a fuck. I don’t know why =( I am excited for my birthday dinner, but that’s because I haven’t seen like any of my friends lately, aside from Sikko who I see more than anyone else b/c of Sindays. I can’t wait. Still have to talk with my mom about watching Lily, but I made sure it was a Friday so it’s not a work night and its around 6 so it will still be light enough for them to go in the pool and let’s face it, Lily is SOOOOO much better for her Gram.

Ok enough for now. I can’t think of anything else that happened in life. update soon =].

Quote to part with:

Tallahassee: I'm not great at farewells, so uh... that'll do, pig.

Columbus: That's the worst goodbye I've ever heard. And you stole it from a movie.

[[i've wanted to watch this again for like the last week]]

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